GLTL is a professional manufacturing company integrating R&D, design, manufacturing and product operation of advanced seismic support systems
"Zhang Heng No. 1" launched into the sky, opening the "prelude" to my country's integrated sky-ground seismic three-dimensional monitoring
作者:管理员    发布于:2016-08-04 15:11:00    文字:【】【】【】浏览 (651)
摘要:my country’s first electromagnetic monitoring test satellite "Zhang Heng No. 1" was launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, marking that my country has become one of the few countries in the world that has high-precision geophysical field detection satellites operating in orbit. This scientific experiment satellite named after Zhang Heng will carry out the analysis of the electromagnetic information of the world's 7th magnitude earthquake and China's 6th magnitude earthquake on a sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of about 500 kilometers, providing information for earthquake mechanism research, space environment monitoring and earth system scientific research. ...

my country’s first electromagnetic monitoring test satellite "Zhang Heng No. 1" was launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, marking that my country has become one of the few countries in the world that has high-precision geophysical field detection satellites operating in orbit.

This scientific experiment satellite named after Zhang Heng will carry out the analysis of the electromagnetic information of the world's 7th magnitude earthquake and China's 6th magnitude earthquake on a sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of about 500 kilometers, providing information for earthquake mechanism research, space environment monitoring and earth system scientific research. Space-based platforms and new technical means.

"Zhangheng No. 1" is the first satellite of my country's geophysical field exploration satellite program. Zhao Jian, deputy director of the System Engineering Department of the National Defense Science and Industry Bureau, said that the successful launch of "Zhang Heng No. 1" is an important milestone in my country's construction of an integrated sky-ground seismic three-dimensional monitoring system.

The mission also carried and launched six domestic and foreign micro-satellites including the "Junior Star One".

Ningbo Grit Force Seismic Stent Manufacturing Co., Ltd

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